This week children throughout the constituency are invited to take part in the largest ever consultation with children in England, by completing The Big Ask. The survey, launched by the Children’s Commissioner, aims to find out children’s concerns about their lives today, as well as their aspirations for the future. The Children’s Commissioner will be using the survey to fulfil her promise that children’s views and experiences will form the basis of all her work – particularly as the country recovers from the pandemic.
I am pleased that, since The Big Ask launched in March, many children in Wiltshire have already responded. Now the Children’s Commissioner is looking for responses from older teenagers (aged 16 and 17), as well as those living in care homes or with foster carers. If you know any teenagers or children in this situation, please do share the survey with them.
Parents, care leavers and those working with children are also invited to share their views about the future for children and young people today, and what they think is holding young people back by completing the adult survey.
All the details can be found here. The survey closes on Friday.